The Story Continues

The Story Continues

At some point, each of our lives have intersected with the story of First Baptist Church. Did a friend or neighbor first invite you to church? Perhaps you came after watching the broadcast ministry on television or were picked up faithfully each Sunday by the bus ministry. It is God’s grace and the people He has used for many years that have brought us to where we are today.

We want to hear your story! Share with us below how and when you came to First Baptist Church. Recount the milestones you have celebrated here-the salvations, the baptisms, and the weddings among so many others. Remember the people – who first invited you? Who have you invited since? Retell your story so that generations to come can witness the faithfulness of the great God we serve.

*By sharing your story and photos, you give First Baptist Jacksonville permission to use content online and in print for display and promotional material.